
Aiya earendil
Aiya earendil

This was one of the factors that aided the decimation of Beleriand, which had been devastated by the War of Wrath. He was instrumental in bringing about the death of the great dragon Ancalagon with a mighty strike which he followed up by hurling the dragon down Thangorodrim. Here they conquered and deposed Morgoth and fettered him.Įarendil participated in this battle, mounted on Vingilot, along with Thorondor and the Eagles. The Valar responded to Earendil’s appeal positively and proceeded to Middle-earth with a gigantic host. Although Earenddil personally preferred to belong to the race of Men, he also opted to be an Elf, considering that his wife was one. This gift was subsequently transferred to the Children of Elron also, making them known as Half-elven.

aiya earendil

They offered them the option to choose their race, as well as that of their progeny, like that of Elves or Men. Considering that both Earendil and Elwing were of mixed descent between men and elves. The Manwe desisted from punishing Earendil with death, which was the normal penalty for venturing to enter their land, bearing in mind that his motives were altruistic rather than selfish. His appeal for help was accepted by the Valar. He appealed to the Valar to help the Men and Elves of the Middle Earth in their battle versus Morgoth. Rather than being captured by the attackers, Elwing preferred to abandon her young sons behind and flung herself into the sea along with the Silmaril.Ĭoming to know of the tragic turn of events in Arvernien, Earendil reached the land of Valinor, becoming the first mortal to set foot on the land of the Valar. Although Cirdan and Gil-Galad tried to help by sending ships to their rescue, it was too late by the time this help arrived and the damage had already been done. Most of the people living in Arvernien were killed in the attack. caused an attack on the people of Arvernien by the surviving sons of the Feanor when they heard about it. Meanwhile, the Silamril, which Elwing possessed at the time and which had been seized by Beren from Morgoth. Earendil took the help of Cirdan, a shipwright, to get the ship Vingilote built. At about this time, Earendil embarked upon his journey, pursuing Tuor and Idril, who had left earlier taking the sea route. Their sons Elros and Elrond were born after two years of their marriage. Earendil married King Dior Eluchil’s daughter, Elwing, in FA 530. The Havens of Sirion offered an opportunity for the people of Gondolin to mingle with those who had escaped from Doriath.

aiya earendil

Gondolin was ransacked when Earendil was 7 years old, and he escaped, along with his parents to Arvernien near the mouth of Sirion river. His mother gave birth to him in FA 503 and he grew up in Gondolin. Earendil was the son of Tuor and Turgon’s daughter Princess Idril, who was an elf.

Aiya earendil